Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is it Really Just Six More Days???

All quiet today (finally!) at the Northern Compound.

Of course, now that the rest of the family has finished falling apart, I have more time to focus on myself which isn't necessarily a good thing. I am somewhat embarrassed to confess that I am having occasional moments of self-pity. This morning I went to get my hair "touched up" (yes, that means exactly what you think it does - I have no idea what my "natural" hair color is at this point!) While I was sitting there with chemicals on my head, I started thinking - gee, this is my last stereophonic experience at the hair salon - poor me. Of course, then someone's child started shrieking and I immediately prayed for instant (albeit temporary) deafness. How do children achieve that nearly ear-drum piercing pitch anyway?

I felt a bit weepy in the car on the way home - and then told myself how completely unproductive I was being. Honestly, when I think about some of the truly terrible things people have to live with, I just want to slap myself! Then again, I am entitled to at least some moments of fear...

So, that makes me wonder - what exactly is it that I am afraid of? Well, I already know I'll be deaf in one ear - but I am afraid of how that will really feel; and afraid I won't handle it as well as I should. And, I am afraid of having problems with facial movement and that, if I do, people might stare at me in public. (I know - so what?) I guess it boils down to be afraid of the unkown - and I am pretty certain that, no matter what happens, once it happens, I'll be okay. That's good to know! And, hell, who wouldn't be at least a little afraid six days before brain surgery?!

Okay, all better now!

Besides, I have a wonderful husband, incredible parents, amazing friends, amusing pets - and a freshly stained deck!

Good to go!

1 comment:

  1. We always fear the unknown-totally normal. You are doing fine...before you know it, it will all be a distant memory! Make the most of the days you have before surgery. Find a park and go swing -- I think that everyone took a "swing" everyday, there would be no wars and everyone would just get along better!! I love to swing!!
