If you've been wondering where I have been ... in between 2 plus hours a day of facial "stuff" and digging out from a massive snow storm ... suffice it to say I've been a little busy!
Okay, first a quick update on the face. I am working diligently on my stretches and exercises every day, twice a day as directed. And, I must say that I am feeling a difference. I think my face is starting to look more symmetrical too, but the big difference for me is way my face feels. It feels less tight and the sore spots are decreasing. Yay!! I can now press all over my chin and find only one or two slightly tender spots - as compared to two weeks ago when just about every part of my chin was noticeably sore and sensitive to any amount of pressure. Same improvement with my forehead, although the brow and under-eye areas are coming along slower.
But probably the best news (for me) is that my cheek area is starting to feel less tight! It is pretty hard to describe what my face has felt like for the last 18 months or so - almost as if someone had taken a rubber band and stretched parts of my face into tight little bundles. Does that make sense? It's just been ... uncomfortable. This morning I woke up and realized that my face actually felt pretty good. Woohoo!
And, of course, as the cheek loosens up, the lip starts to quit pulling up. It's still pulling a bit, but SO much better than it was. I can actually keep my lips together, without any teeth showing through on the right side.
Amidst all the facial excitement (well, okay, maybe I'm the only one who's excited...) we have also had a big whallop of winter. Wednesday night we got about 5 inches of wet, heavy snow - the kind that is really a pain in the butt to shovel. Not to be bested by weather, I waited until Willie headed to work, then fired up the snow blower and manhandled it up and down the driveway. I should mention that the sucker weighs several hundred pounds and does NOT turn on a dime. Wow, was I sore afterward! No sooner was that mess cleared, then we got hit with the granddaddy of storms - dumped about 2 feet of snow in a 24 hour period. Yow. I let Willie handle the snow blower for this one and I tacked the steps and walkways. By yesterday afternoon, we were all dug out and I started to appreciate the beauty of a fresh blanket of snow. This is the largest single snow fall we've had since we've lived here, a record I hope we don't beat anytime soon.
So, that's the news from Tallyho Lane.