My annual MRI was Tuesday, and the news was all GOOD. Dr Golfinos saw me an hour or so after I finished with the MRI and was able to pull the film up on his computer so we could see it while in his office. And, all he could see was belly fat and brain! Yahoo!!!! I never thought I would be so happy to see belly fat - and in my head, of all places. Although I knew that it would be too soon for anything to be growing back, it was still such a relief to see it with my own eyes. For fun, I am posting the "before" and "after" pictures here. And, now I will also begin what will probably be a lifetime of annual brain scans. I am told that the next one will be easier, and I am sure you are all right on that. And, as long as the docs are willing to continue prescribing a valium before I slide in to the "Tunnel of 1,000 Monsters", all will be okay.
Here's the After picture - notice the shaded area on the left side of the picture - that's belly fat, folks!

So, that is my big news today. I am going to try to get a bunch of work done so that I can goof off for a few hours this afternoon. I have much to be thankful for and I'd like to take some time to just enjoy feeling good. If the weather holds, I'll sit on the patio and listen to the birds singing and just appreciate the sights and smells and sounds of spring. Want to join me?