Monday, June 30, 2008

Cover the Kids Eyes...

Don't want to scare them ... Here's the latest update picture. I am actually getting a little more of my smile back - okay, very little, but still...

Lorenzo, Carmen, Kay - thanks for all your support and encouraging words. You all know what this journey is like, having traveled this road before me.

This whole facial paralysis thing is really God's way of teaching me patience! Willie says that I didn't need to find such a dramatic way to teach myself this lesson ... but, hey, if you're going to do something, might as well go BIG!

Interesting "factoid" - the facial nerve heals at the rate of about one inch per month! When you look at the structure of this nerve, you start to realize why facial movement comes back so slowly - it's a long little sucker with lots of "arms". This is a case where progress is definitely measured in inches, not feet!

I detected a very small movement at the corner of my mouth over the weekend. It is teeny, tiny, but definitely something is moving. It is probably more in my lower cheek, which would make sense that that section of the nerve is one of the shortest ones. Whatever it is, I'll take it!

Gotta run!


  1. You are doing great! twitch in your lower lip? Excellent! A smile is a smile, and that's what matters. And gosh, do we have lots to smile about! :) Salute, with a glass of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

  2. Glad you decided to post this here - I think you look MARVELOUS!!
    Happy Tuesday!!

