Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Banner Day

Well, a good day today! Went to the Chamber Exec. Board meeting this morning, and no one ran screaming from the room! My debut back into "polite society" as it were... The public outing was such a success that I decided to stop into Rite Aid on the way home and buy up all of their eye drops - or at least $70 worth...

In addition to being a major public outing and shopping expedition, it was also my first solo car trip - very empowering. One can only wonder how far off a trip to Macy's can be?

Of course, after all the excitement, I had to nap for awhile. The fatigue still surprises me - it is swift and can't be denied!

My next week of IV supplies came today, and the nurse is coming tonight to change the dressing on the PICC line again. I'm becoming a regular pro at the IVs. (Talk about a useless skill...)

Dishwasher repair guy is here now trying to figure out what is wrong with the dishwasher. I'm sure not impressed with GE appliances. Anyway, it will be nice to have the dishwasher back - even though paper plates seem to work just fine...

Mom and Dad are pulling up stakes tomorrow. Going to miss them, but I know it's time - and I feel that I am doing so well that I don't need to keep them here any longer. Darn kids - they always want to go and leave the nest...

Well, more later...


  1. To my knowledge, no one has run screaming from me yet -- just LOTs of stares over the years!! :o) LOL!!!
    Great day for you!!

