Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring is in the Air

The first Iris of spring popped up in my garden this week - cause for excitement and a fair amount of anticipation. Last year, if you will recall, my spring was consumed with brain tumor business. The net result is that none of us here on Tallyho Lane really felt as if we had a spring at all. We did a lot of slaying-of-wild-shrubbery, but it was all done as a way to release some of the extreme anxiety we were all experiencing, thereby rendering it pretty much joyless. Now, this year is gonna be different!
To kick off the spring, we had our friends, Phil and Nancy and their dog Lucy out for a visit yesterday. They live in the West Village so I think they were looking forward to a little country air. As soon as they arrived, Lucy and our collie Carrie took off running all over the yard like a couple of crazy dogs. Of course, Carrie being an old girl crapped out really quickly while Lucy, being a young girl, continued to run around the yard like a puppy. Once we have successfully worn out our dogs we headed inside for some quiche and a little cotes d rhone and some of my finest homemade whole wheat bread.
Now I'll back up just a moment and explain that Nancy is a fellow acoustic neuroma survivor just like me! We met last year thanks to the AN forum. Nancy had her surgery with the same surgeons as me about two months after me. She had many of the same complications as me, so we have been able to give each other a lot of support as we wait for our faces to slowly heal. I continue to be so grateful for the amazing friends I've made through this process(Lorenzo, Nancy, Wendy, Angie, Kay, Lori, Brian, Hrissy, and so many more). It does make you realize that all dark clouds have truly silver linings.

I've shared a couple of pictures here -- the collie is our own Carrie, and the Portuguese water dog is Lucy. And of course you'll recognize me with my crooked smile. Nancy smile is looking really good these days -- and, so is mine.

And now I am off to enjoy a bit more of the lovely spring weather. Cheers all!


  1. Wow! That is great Debbi! What is Nancy's AN screen name? Oh, & thanks for the b-day card!! :o) It is Spring Break here and what happened? It FINALLY started snowing AS THE GIRLIES WALKED TO THE van on Friday afternoon. It was quick lived and was all gone the next morning (I slept in!)! I guess I am ready for Spring now. I will start cleaning out my beds this week. Last year was not my best "gardening" year either with the T3 & all the complications!!

  2. Looks like you all had a great day! Spring is truly around the corner. :) Nice you can meet up with AN friends that easily. Must be great to share like that. I'm just glad I have my friends like you, best thing that has come out of this entire experience! :)

    Time to plant some more potatoes and water all the seedlings, before going to work.


  3. Happy Spring to You Debbie.
    I bought my first plant last week...a fern and had to bring it in. We had 70 degree weather then sleet and snow the next day. Crazy. You are looking great. Take care and enjoy the nice weather.

  4. it is good that you get together! The first spring day is really to commemorate! We have a lot of snow here to "celebrate" the beginning of spring, though! ouch!

    I am flattered to read my name on your blog!

    It is amazing what great people I came across with due to the AN and the AN forum!
    Thank you all!
