Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dimpled Chin

Well, here it is, January 6 already! Willie and I had a quiet New Year's Eve over at our neighbors where we enjoyed a nice dinner, conversation and some great wine. I, however, was asleep by midnight! I take solace in the fact that when it was officially midnight in Ireland, I was still awake !

In spite of my good news from my Dec 22 visit with Dr. Roland, my face seems to be taking on the New Year with a mind of it's own, complete with the dreaded "inappropriate" movements. It's very minor at the moment -the right side of my chin dimples in when I try to smile with the right side of my mouth. My right upper lip remains slightly elevated all the time, looking a bit like a wimpy snarl.

The spontaneous dimpling is an early sign of synkinesis and has just shown up this week. The lip snarl is most likely a hypertonic muscle spasm. I emailed Dr. Roland and he suggested that I should try to make the trip to Long Island to see the NeuroMuscular Facial Retrainer there - sad that this is the closest facility for me and it is over 100 miles away. So, I started that process today - made the initial phone call and am now waiting for a return call to schedule the appointment. I am hoping that I will only need to go once, just to learn the correct way to do the various exercises and facial massage. Well, as frustrating as this is, it beats the heck out of a brain tumour!!

Meanwhile, we are bracing for yet MORE snow!! Lorenzo and Kay, I'll be happy to send you some. Better yet, I'll move! I like Texas and I've been wanting to visit Ireland...

Well, more later...


  1. I thought you were here already, didn't you just celebrate NEw Year with us at midnight? :) Like you, I was well asleep by then, so I celebrated mine at Australian times.

    Come on over. No snow, only -6C for a few days, good food and wine from all over the world, great restaurants... And a personalised tour guide.

    Sorry to hear about the pesky nerves acting up some more. But as you say, it's preferable than having a brain tumour. Any day. Good luck with that appointment. 100 miles isn't too bad if it all works. :)
    Take heart, I'll be traveling back to California next year for another follow-up.

  2. Come and see me! I can't guarantee no snow, but I can guarantee a LOT of WIND!! UGH! sorry for the set back in the face stuff. Hopefully, the Retrainer can help!
