Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NMFR Update

Well, I am getting ready to settle in and watch our 44th president get sworn in - actually, I will be watching a bit of American history in the making. Pretty exciting!

Willie and I spent the night in NYC on Sunday - thanks to an old (she's not old) friend who manages the beautiful Alex Hotel on the East side, we had great digs for the night. Had drinks with Nance and Phil (one of my brain tumor buddies) and dinner at one of our favorite spots in the West Village - Cafe Brusselles - where I dined on my favourite Moules (mussels) Provencale.

Had breakfast with my friend Mary Lou at the Alex then headed out to Long Island - way out to Long Island. Don, the NMFR, spent about 2 hours with us and it was great! He took so much time to show me what was working -and not working - on my face. He took Willie and I through each exercise multiple times, both with and without mirror. He helped me with the ones that are difficult. Like everyone, he cautioned patience, and reminded me that this process can take several years. It was good to have someone look at my face and see what I see. It is so nice when everyone tells me I look great; but I don't think people really realize how much of my face isn't working. This is one of those things that is hard to explain - but sometimes I need validation that I do still quite a bit of facial healing ahead of me. I don't mean this to sound like I want pity - I don't. But, it is disconcerting sometimes when people brush over it and minimize what I still struggle with. Not sure if that makes sense?

Don also gave me a vestibular assessment which I didn't do as great at as I had expected - so, he gave me some additional exercises beyond what I am already doing for balance. I still can't stand on one leg without teetering; and walking a straight heel-to-toe line is hilarious. However, I know that eventually I'll adjust and will be almost as good as new.

It was snowing like crazy when we left, so it took us about 3 hours to get home - yuck. However, it was well worth the trip and I am so glad I did this. This was probably the perfect time in my healing to see the NMFR.

Meanwhile, Hail to the Chief!!


  1. Great! Sounds like you had a good and fruitful time!! :)

    Funny about the validation thing, isn't it? I felt like that too, when they found the AN. The sense of relief and and of 'air punching YESSSS' was difficult to explain and rather puzzling to myself too in a sense. But heck, finding out that some things we know to be wrong / not working are really so, well, it meant I wasn't imagining it nor was I going nuts. That is cause for celebration! :) When I found out, I went for lunch, pasta carbonara with a glass of valpolicella classico.

    Hail to the Chief is right! Watched it all!! :)

  2. You know, I don't think I've ever watched an entire inauguration! Shameful, isn't it? However, yesterday I was glued to the tv. I think Obama has a huge job ahead, but I am optimistic!

  3. This is my first one, Inauguration Virgin. Never really watched any of the others; previous guy didn't really appeal too much (hem), and before that I guess I wasn't that interested. This time, I was glued to it. Sort of weird spectacle all the same. To an European mind like mine, it looked like a mix between Broadway and Official Ceremony. Rather strange. But also rather appealing in it's sort of 'lightness'. A lot less pomp than the French, oui, and the Italians, mamma mia. Now I'm glued to the guy himself. Watching how this unfolds, and looking at his approach to opening / popularising the presidency. Fascinating in terms of communication strategies and design.

    Oh ya, I forgot, this is your AN blog. Oooops. Sorry. LOL
