Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Musings of a Muddled Brain

I have just finished doing my series of facial exercises, and put a fresh batch of drops in my eye. Pretty exciting life I lead! Actually, I also had a couple of meetings today as well as some client calls. I'm going to throw together a nice winter soup with ham, black eyed peas, and kale which will be accompanied by something red.

It is hard to believe that it is already November and before you can blink, we'll be pulling the turkey off the grill and gathering around the table to give Thanks. And, then, before you know it, we'll be out chopping down a Christmas tree. And, that can only mean that in January, I'll turn 53. And, then, I'll be getting ready for my one-year MRI! Good grief!

Well, back to today and the soup. I am thinking a pinch of fresh rosemary (last week's early and unexpected snow didn't get it!) would be just the thing for the soup. Perhaps I'll totter out there and get some. Now that we are not longer on Daylight Savings, it is dark by 5 pm, which sucks.

Now, here's an interesting question that my parents and I were debating over the weekend. Why does Alaska (my birth-state) need to go on Daylight Savings??? They have, like 22 hours of daylight a day during the summer months - WHY do they need to save it???? Can someone explain that to me???

Well, tomorrow morning when we awake in the US, we will (barring any hanging chads or dangling bills or whatever) have a new President-elect. I find it all quite exciting - like many here, I think I'm ready for a change. I drove one of my neighbors to the vote this morning (no, there was no voting-coercion going on!)

Tomorrow will be a new day....


  1. Hi Deb, I voted too today - which meant that I simply cancelled out my husbands vote! I sometimes think thats why the good Lord kept me alive: so that there are checks and balances in this house anyway. Although it is warmer here, I'm craving soups too - and yours sounds devine! To A New Day, Julie

  2. Funny, Jules! I cancel Willie's vote out during every election, too. You're right - checks and balances. The soup was great - the rosemary really added something extra to it!

  3. and a new day it sure is! wow. amazing! :)
