Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

.. to us! Yep, today is our 8th anniversary! In some respects I feel as if we have always been together, and in others, the time has just flashed by. This has certainly been a year where I have had multiple occasions to realize how lucky I am to have Willie as my partner in life and love.

We decided to spend yesterday doing some fun things to celebrate, so we started off having breakfast at the local diner (something we never make time to do!) After that, we took Carrie to the park and walked up on one of the forest trails. Note to self - don't do this alone! I was teetering and wobbling all over the place and really needed to hang on to Willie. All that uneven ground is quite challenging still!

After that, we decided to take a drive up to Westfall Winery to visit our Malbec! We went into the barrell room and took a sample from our barrell (see Willie preparing at right). Although it is still very young, it has great promise and we look forward to visiting often over the next 8 months!

On our way home from the winery, we stopped at a little restaurant and sat our on their patio, with a view of the lake, and enjoyed a leisurely late lunch.

The day was capped off with me trying a new recipe for eggplant Parmesan which was wonderful!! The eggplant and tomatoes from the local farms are at their peak right now, so it pays to find different ways to incorporate them into our meals.

Tonight, we are heading over to Bula with a bottle of our favorite Willamette Valley Pinto Noir to enjoy an anniversary dinner.

Next on the agenda - first post surgery MRI next week! Yahoo!


  1. Buon aniversario!! :) Sounds like you ahd a great day full of fun and food, and some young wine. Can't think of a better way to celebrate.
    Ciao, Lorenzo

  2. Sounds like a GREAT day! Happy Anniversary!!

