Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MRI and Felines Declare Jihad

Okay, so the boring news first ... my first MRI is CLEAN!!! Yessiree - nothing in my head but some belly fat (well, besides my brain, of course). Ain't that grand??? Dr. Golfinos was quite pleased with the results, as were Willie and I. Well, at least I think I was pleased. Hard to tell with all the valium wafting through my veins. However, thanks to drugs, the trip in the spirit-sucking tunnel of doom wasn't bad at all. So, my next date with the MRI is April 28, 2009.

Meanwhile, on Tallyho Lane ... Phoebe (the calico) cat had to be transported to the vet Monday. During a close encounter on Sunday with an elbow, as she was inching her way ever closer to the chicken on the kitchen counter, Phoebes took a flying leap to the floor and somehow managed to sprain her tail. Instead of sticking up in the air like a proud cat, the tail hung limply from her butt, like a sad cat. Fearing that she might have something major wrong, I wizzed her off to the bet. Several x-rays and a shot later, we were on our way home again, none the worse for the wear.

Rocket sidled up to greet her when we arrived home, giving her a friendly sniff on the butt, in that special way of cats everywhere. Horrors! Vet smells!! Rocket instantly declaired Feline Jihad on Phoebe (and everyone else in the vicinity), by launching into hisses and snarls and other intimidating noises. Finally, in order to get sleep, we had to seperate the former best friends for several nights. The Jihad is still underway, but appears to be losing some steam at last. Meanwhile, our poor collie, Carrie, keeps wandering right into the middle of the hostilities. She got so upset the first night that she threw up (yeah, we all want to do that sometimes, but most of us find the restraint to stop ourselves...!)

Well, at least Phoebe's tail is starting to look more cat-like.

Ah, never a dull moment on Tallyho ...

By the way, for those following the great "gift debate", I've decided that a Smart Car would be an appropriate, and earth-friendly, post brain surgery gift. I'll email the docs to let them know where to deliver it....


  1. gosh, didn't realise you had trouble with the tube! Glad I don't have that, fell asleep the last time, which was totally NOT good, as they had to redo a portion of it. Yawn. My back was in bits by the time the event was over. Glad that all is clear for you!!!!

    Golfinos... does he know what a golfino is in Italian? Well, nothing major or obscene of course, but funny to be called after a wool garment!

    Poor cat, crooked tail and ostracised, and a dog that vomits on stress commands. Sounds like never a dull moment there, literally. Funny story as usual, thanks! :)

  2. Yes, never a dull moment on Tallyho Lane... The hostilities seem to have subsided somewhat, although Rocket is now living under the wingback chair in our sitting room. An occasional growl alerts the passerby to his presence...

  3. You should rename him Rocky

  4. a Smart? dream on. i think you might just about get a tricycle, if you're lucky. They might be perverse enough to gift a bicycle instead; without the training wheels. In any eveent, either of those would be very earth friendly, :)

  5. Congratulations! Now we'll wish for some more blinkin'smile! You know with cats the tail is an important tool for communicating and an upright tail means happy and content, so by this inadvertant sprain, which is being misinterpreted by Rocky (I mean Rocket), she is paralelling you with your facial paralysis...Interesting. I hope she gets better too!

  6. Do you think that it is a prerequisit (sp?) for an AN, to have a CRAZY household?? I know that I sure qualify on that count!! However, my life was fairly calm until AFTER I had AN surgery!! :o)
