Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!

Okay, so I am a day late ... so what? It's the thought that counts, right? We had a quiet day and an early night. Just before Willie headed off to Orlando (convention for his company) on Weds, he started to get a sore throat and stuffy head. Sure enough, by Friday, we was miserable and we knew that he'd caught my cold. He got home very late Friday night (thanks to air traffic delays at Newark) and we spent yesterday napping.

We roused ourselves to make a nice grilled Steelhead Trout filet on the grill, accommpanied by baked acorn squash with cinnamon and maple, and a tangy Greek Salad. I am quite sure that it was delicious, although everything still tastes a bit off to me, and Willie can't taste much of anything right now. Still, it looked nice and made us feel as if we were celebrating Valentine's Day in some small way. We were upstairs and in bed by 7:30. Dullards, that's what we are.

So, hopefully others can report more exciting versions of the holiday - please share your tasty meals and memorable moments by commenting here, okay?


  1. huh? Valentine's what??? :)

  2. What, no Valentine's Day over there, Lorenzo? The celebration of love, St. Valentine's Day? Huh.
