A Joni Mitchell song, and also the state of my morning. Why, you ask? Well, I had an appointment this morning with the dentist to get teeth cleaned and checked. The dentist informed me that I had a filling that needed to be replaced and that he could do it this morning - well, no use waiting, is there. So, he numbed me up and proceeded to do his dental thing. Now, I should mention that the work took place on the LEFT side of my mouth, which happens to be the only side that works properly.
So loaded with Novocain, I toddled home and fixed myself a cup of tea. Bad move - hot water all over the front of me, gushing from both sides of my mouth. Not good dating behavior.
Unrelated bit of humor: a few nights ago, as we were getting ready for bed, Willie summoned me over to the window, where he was furtively peeking out the blinds. Now, it's pitch black out here, no street lights. However, there was a car in the middle of our road with headlights on, easing forward and then easing backward. It seemed odd until we noticed the possum in the middle of the road in front of the car. Every time the car would creep forward, the poor possum would panic and turn around. And if you are unfamiliar with possums, they move very s-l-o-w-l-y. The car/possum dance went on for several minutes before the possum got safely off the road (and into our yard...yay) and the car was able to proceed down Tallyho. Ah, moments in nature. A huge metal object brought to a standstill by a small furry creature with a big long nose...
LOL Great story. 21st C technology defeated by a possum. :) As for the Double Dribble, not so funny I guess, but still hilarious!! ;)