Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Continuing on the food theme ... yesterday was Sunday Dinner with the Family. Now, those of you who aren't part of an Italian family may not be familiar with this, so listen up. First of all, Sunday dinner is actually more like a late lunch, but with a dinner sized meal.

I have gradually over the years trained everyone NOT to expect the pasta course for our Sunday dinners. I still think I am secretly viewed with suspicion on this, by the way. However, my kitchen, my rules! The rule that you absolutely must have way more food than anyone can possibly eat, however, remains unbroken. So, for five of us, we grilled two chickens. Big juicy chickens. With all of the appropriate side dishes. Sorry, Lorenzo, no cannoli for dessert this time, only fresh fruit.

Another part of the Sunday Dinner tradition is that everyone must talk all at once, and at top volume. Now, if you have two hearing ears, this can be challenging, but imagine for a moment that you only have ONE hearing ear! Yes, all of the sounds come flying at that one poor ear, all at once. The end up is that it just sounds like a bunch of random words. To make it more fun, because everyone is trying to talk at once (hey, they have a lot to say), the volume keeps escalating as each person strives to be heard above the din and roar. Oy vey. (Yes, that's for my Jewish friends because your Sunday Dinners look suspiciously like this, don't they?)

Ah well, in spite of the noise and the over abundance of food, it is a part of the Italian family tradition that I enjoy - even if I have to retreat to my Cone of Silence when everyone leaves ...

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I have experienced this numerous times in my past, and maybe that's why I fled to Ireland! lol Well, not quite, I was here well before my hearing problem. Regardless, I know exactly what you mean of course, as it's the same for all of us.

    Now, Cannoli. I can live without cannoli it might surprise you. In fact, remember that I grew up in a country that had no such things, Switzerland, and still does not. More to the point, cannoli are specifically Southern Italian, and me being from the North, have only a vague recollection of such delicacies. SIgh. So, bring on the 'no pasta no cannoli' meal! And one chicken will do. Don't expect mountains of food and left overs at our table!

    I guess by now you get the idea: I'm not a typical Italian, sorry. :)
